We’re on our 99th blog post!
I’ve managed to keep to a monthly blogging routine for this year so far. I hope to continue growing the blog since I didn’t make a tremendous amount of updates in the 2010s.
It gets more competitive all the time with SEO and AI content considerations, but the dragon is a symbol of power and authority, so maybe I should use that as inspiration (for both blogging on the whole, and another blog post on the topic).
As part of Dragonsinn’s 25th anniversary monthly celebrations, here’s a “dragon symbolism” post I’ve had in mind for a while.
If I’m able to think of enough ideas, this’ll be a new blog category to browse different dragon symbols and use them as a positive presence or guide in your life.
READ MORE: Chinese Dragons
Symbolism / History
Dragons are powerful and benevolent symbols in Chinese culture. Gold Chinese dragons symbolize wealth, prosperity, strength, harvest, and power.
Yellow Chinese dragons are notable and related in terms of color. Yellow dragons symbolize good fortune, power, and ancient people often used it as a symbol of the emperor. This dragon is also typically associated with warmth, wisdom, and wealth.
Selection of Art / Photos
READ MORE: Ai Weiwei Dragons (art)
Gold Dragon for Power and Success

From Feng Shui Mall: “The Dragon is regarded as the strongest symbol of good fortune and prosperity because the Dragon is believed to emit a special form of chi, known as “Sheng Chi” or “Celestial Breath.” . .It is this “essence of life” energy that attracts wealth luck, good fortune, good luck, abundance and success to the area lucky enough to receive it.”
Golden Dragon Resin Collectible Figurine / Decoration for Luck & Wealth

Via Amazon / Bwinka: This design features the dragon in the Chinese zodiac standing on top of a bed of gold coins to signify abundance and luck with wealth.
Gold-plated dragon ornament via Kyoto Handicraft Center

A gorgeous Japanese version featuring a three-clawed Japanese gold dragon. Comes with a display stand and free shipping via Kyoto Handicraft Center.
READ MORE: Japanese Dragons | Japanese Dragon Jackets
Emperor’s Dragon Robe
Personal Story (Money)
Growing up in Singapore/Asia and in a Chinese-Eurasian household meant that I saw positive dragon symbols on a regular basis.
It also meant that I was aware of the “importance of wealth and money” and having a good job (or marrying rich) from quite a young age.

Still, I struggled with reconciling basic personal finance concepts with other parts of my personality as I entered adulthood.
I started off wanting a creative career in my early twenties, and eventually went the opposite direction when I found that my original goal wasn’t really bringing me a lot of happiness.
I knew that I had to do more than just surround myself with symbols or positive thoughts (even though those help in terms of inspiration or motivation).
Since the rebellious artist in me was a pretty strong part of my personality, it took me a couple of years to gain a better understanding of basic financial literacy and personal finance.
If I had to summarize what I’d learned during that time sequentially, it’d look something like this—
- I read these books:
- Dave Ramsey’s 7 Baby Steps (article that summarizes his philosophy), and The Total Money Makeover
- Smart Women Finish Rich by David Bach
- Goals! by Brian Tracy
- Automated my savings whenever possible
- Sat down to think about what I wanted my career path to look like financially (this may be a constant thing that never really ends, which I’m okay with)
- Thought about why I wanted more money
- Worked on improving my money mindset
I know that’s quite a lot of information to take in at once, so I’m going to focus on the last point for the rest of this blog post below.
Improving Your Money Mindset
I’m a believer that education can be a fun or enjoyable process (edutainment might be the right word).
Adding affirmations and mantras to my occasional journaling hobby was always an engaging way to develop a more positive mindset.
What are affirmations?
Affirmations are short phrases you can repeat to influence how you think and feel about yourself.
Examples of daily mantras:
- I’m good enough.
- I’m grateful for x, y, z.
- I allow myself to feel self-respect.
Two Tips:
If you want to go deeper with the meditation aspect, try repeating the mantra(s) throughout the day. I had a simple 3-word mantra that I repeated to myself almost every waking minute during my last few difficult weeks in Florida (before I moved back to Maine), and it helped a ton!
Another tip is to feel your affirmations. Don’t say them half-heartedly and forget about them. Really believe in it and create more positive energy from within yourself.
Money Mantras
Examples of money mantras / affirmations:
- I’m capable of earning more to fund my lifestyle.
- I’m grateful for what I have and my journey in life so far.
- I handle my finances responsibly.
- I develop more positive associations with money and wealth building.
- Money gives me more options and opportunities.
I’ve added these onto a dragon-themed PDF worksheet below that you can download.
It also includes some bullet points from this post for you to refer to.
PDF: Dragons & Money 💸

Want to improve your money mindset?
Subscribe to download this 2-page PDF with dragon inspired tips.
Enjoy and let me know if you need any help!